Authentication and Conditional Routing in Next.js

A comprehensive guide on how to implement a reusable Auth component for Next.js pages.

Muhammad Hassan Zahid
3 min readAug 21, 2021

Next.js is a popular React.js framework with multiple built-in features (SSR/ page-based routing) that provide ease while developing client-side applications.


Anyone that has used React very well understands its unopinionated nature, but that freedom also provides a vast community to reference to, whenever needed. Next.js has grown as a popular choice for building client-side applications, but finding specific solutions can be very hard sometimes as compared to React.

‘Pages’ in Next.js and basic conditional rendering:

Conditional rendering in React is majorly done using React Router, but using it with Next.js isn’t really an optimal choice looking at how projects are structured in it. In Next.js, a page is a React Component exported from a .js, .jsx, .ts, or .tsx file in the pages directory. Each page is associated with a route based on its file name. (ref.)

How I like to structure my components is by wrapping all child components inside a ‘MainContent’ component. This is equivalent to any <div>or fragment containing all your relevant HTML tags.

Usually, it is this component that is conditionally rendered as:


Authentication in applications however isn’t as simple as just using a local variable. Most commonly an API call is made to the server verifying the user auth status and stored in a global store using redux or context API which allows us to distribute it throughout the application so it can be used in other pages/ components. This also helps us to implement an important principle i.e. Single Source of Truth.


I am assuming you have your global store setup as it is beyond the scope of this article.

1. __app.tsx

Next.js has its top-level component called _app.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}Since I am using redux, I will be loading the authentication state using loadUser action creator. loadUser will contain any API calls and dispatches in case of redux.

2. Auth/index.tsx

In order to make the UI interactive while the state is loading, we will also use a ‘shouldRenderChildren’ variable that will depend on whatever is returned by one of our handlers and render a <Spinner>accordingly.

const [shouldRenderChildren, setShouldRenderChildren] = useState<boolean>(false);

We will be implementing the following two handlers in case of routing:

2.1. ensureAuthenticated:

allows render of the component if ‘isAuthenticated’ is true otherwise routes to specified URL

returns (used by shouldRenderChildren): isAuthenticated && !isLoading
return logic: will only render children if all processing is done (loading is false) and user is authenticated
route logic: will only route to provided URL if all processing is done (loading is false) and user is unauthenticated
pages like feed, settings, profile page require authentication status to be true.

2.2. forwardAuthenticated:

routes to specified URL if ‘isAuthenticated’ is true otherwise allows render of component

returns (used by shouldRenderChildren): !isAuthenticated && !isLoading
return logic: children should only be rendered if user is not authenticated as well as all processing is done (loading is false)
route logic: will only route to provided URL if all processing is done (loading is false) and user is authenticated
e.g: pages like login, register require authentication status to be false.

The updated home page file will look like this:

Auth component requires two props to be passed i.e. redirectUrl (the URL we will use inside redirectHandler) and redirectHandler (which is forwardAuthenticated as it is a page which does not require user to be authenticated). (caution: do not redirect to a page that also uses forwardAuthenticated as it will lead to infinite redirects)


I hope this guide helps you to effectively implement Auth/ Protected Route component for Next.js

Happy Coding :)

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Muhammad Hassan Zahid
Muhammad Hassan Zahid

Written by Muhammad Hassan Zahid

SWE | Eager to learn building of good software

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